
Does a veggie diet lead to a healthier heart?

By : Christina Thomas | 0 Comments | On : June 14, 2013 | Category : Food news, Health Benefits of Vegetables, Health News

A “vegetarian diet reduces heart disease risk by up to a third”, Channel 4 News reports. The news, which has been reliably covered by much of the media, is based on an impressive and wide-ranging UK study on nutrition.

Researchers recruited nearly 45,000 people in England and Scotland. They followed up with them for an average of 11 years, using hospital records and death certificates to determine how many of them developed coronary heart disease during that time (e.g. suffering anginacoronary heart disease or having a heart attack).

Compared to people who ate meat mobile casino and fish at the start of the study, the vegetarians were less likely to be diagnosed with, or die from, coronary heart disease over the following years.

This association held even when the researchers adjusted for factors that are known to be linked to heart disease, including weight, sex, age and smoking status.

Read more: nhs.uk – Does a veggie diet lead to a healthier heart?

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