
Green Tea has Small Effect on Cholesterol

By : Christina Thomas | 0 Comments | On : May 26, 2013 | Category : Beverage News, Food news, Health News

Green tea, taken in capsule or drunk as beverage can lower the ‘bad’ cholesterol level, according to a US study.

Study was published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association wherein, the past twenty clinical trials were analysed. The trials included in this review included a total of 1,415 adult participants. These trials either tested green or the capsules containing compound of green tea (named catechins). Catechins are known to decrease absorption of cholesterol in gut.

Participants of the trial were randomly assigned to use green tea on daily basis. Some of them were given green tea as beverage, some were given it in capsule form and others were part of the ‘controlled group’. The controlled group was given placebo capsules or low-catechin tea.

The trials lasted from 3 to 6 weeks. The benefit of green tea was seen only in the people who had had high cholesterol at the time of entering the study. Results of the study revealed that green tea cut down 5 to 6 points of total cholesterol and ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol level than the dummy capsules containing catechins.

Read more: onlymyhealth.com – Green Tea has Small Effect on Cholesterol

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