
Health Benefits of Yogurt and Laban

By : Najma Majeed | 0 Comments | On : October 22, 2014 | Category : Diet And Disease, Digestion News, Health Benefits, Heart Related News, Skin News

Health Benefits of Yogurt and Laban

Both Yogurt and Laban have numerous health benefits. Yogurt is a fermented milk product that is produced by bacterial fermentation of milk and it is little thick and creamy. Our body needs a few amount of  “ good” bacteria in the digestive part and the Yogurt contains “good” bacteria.

Yogurt / Yoghurt is easily digested and less lactose than milk and it is good for bones, boost immune system and helps to make soft skin. Yogurt is highly nutritious and also a good source of protein, calcium, vitamins, etc. It will reduce the risk of diseases like high blood pressure, Colon Cancer, Diarrhea and heart diseases.

Yogurt helps to reduce the risk of weight loss because the calories are low in Yogurt and can add as a part of balanced diet. Yogurt is used as a side dish with rice, chapati, bread, kubboos (കുബ്ബൂസ്)  etc.

Health benefits of Yogurt

Health benefits of Yogurt


Laban is a traditional strained yoghurt, liquid form and it is good for our body temperature to fresh.  Laban is healthy drink and it will reduce the feeling of thirst. Drinking Laban makes the body cool. Laban makes the same health benefits of having Yogurt. It contains high nutrients, calcium, proteins, vitamins, etc. Laban drink is better than any other soft drinks available in the supermarkets. It will boost immune system, good for bones, digestion, etc. Laban gives the benefits almost as the milk.

Health benefits of Laban

Health benefits of Laban


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