
Is high-fat food addictive?

By : Christina Thomas | 0 Comments | On : June 17, 2013 | Category : Food news, Health News

The Daily Telegraph tells us today “dieting makes people feel depressed because cutting out fatty foods alters their brain”.

The headline is based on Canadian research investigating why and how stopping eating high fat food might lead to cravings for it, and whether this might relate to the effect of a high fat diet on the reward systems in the brain.

They looked at what happens when mice are fed a high fat diet and this is then withdrawn. It found that the mice show increased anxiety-like behaviours and increased motivation to get high-sugar and fat foods. They also show changes in the amounts of certain proteins in the areas of the brain linked with reward sensations. The researchers suggest that these changes may contribute to an “addiction-like” process of repeated relapse to high fat food consumption after a switch to a healthier diet.

Read more: nhs.uk – Is high-fat food addictive?

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