
Manage Diabetes through Healthy Food Choices such as Fenugreek and Bitter Gourd

By : IreneTreesa | 0 Comments | On : August 8, 2012 | Category : Food news

(NaturalNews) After a lifetime of poor nutrition and dietary choices, it may be difficult for diabetics to change to a healthy diet. Many may feel like they simply cannot give up fast foods, junk food, cookies, sugary cakes and ice-cream. Yet, there may be no choice. One of the key factors in controlling type 2 diabetes comes down to reducing simple sugars and unhealthy fats in the diet. After re-training the palate, most agree that healthy foods are filling, deliciously satisfying and increase one’s energy levels.

Read more: naturalnews.com – Manage Diabetes through Healthy Food Choices such as Fenugreek and Bitter Gourd

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