
Replacing sugary drinks with non-caloric drinks limits weight gain in children

By : IreneTreesa | 0 Comments | On : September 22, 2012 | Category : Food news, Health News, Weight Loss Tips

Amid fervid criticism that New York City risks becoming a nanny state, city health officials this month banned the sale of supersize sugar-laden drinks in restaurants and movie theaters. Now scientists have handed the ban’s advocates a potent weapon: strong evidence that replacing sugared drinks with sugar-free substitutes or water really can slow weight gain in children.

Two-thirds of all American adults and one-third of children in the United States are overweight or obese. The contribution of sugary sodas and fruit drinks to this epidemic has been hotly disputed. But two new randomized clinical trials published on Friday in The New England Journal of Medicine lend credence to the idea that limiting access to these beverages may help reduce obesity.

Read more: foodhealthnews.com – Replacing sugary drinks with non-caloric drinks limits weight gain in children

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