
Six facts you need to know about eating oils and fats

By : Christina Thomas | 0 Comments | On : February 21, 2013 | Category : Food news, Health Benefits, Health News

One of the most widely misunderstood food groups today, oils and fats can be both crucial and detrimental to your health, depending on what type they are and how they are processed. But with so many inconsistencies and mistruths emerging from health authorities and the mainstream media on the issue, it is difficult for many people to effectively decipher between the two. So to help clarify, here are six important facts you need to know about oils and fats that will change the way you view this food category, and hopefully improve the health of you and your family:

1) Saturated fats are important for brain health. Butter, coconut oil, lard, and various other types of saturated fat are constantly being demonized as artery-cloggers and heart-stoppers, but nothing could be further from the truth. A large percentage of your brain is composed of both saturated fat and cholesterol, which means this vital organ needs saturated fat in order to function properly. Omega-3 fatty acids, which have gained considerable attention in recent years for their importance in brain health, actually require the presence of saturated fats for proper assimilation. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027865_saturated_fat_health.html)

Read more: naturalnews.com – Six facts you need to know about eating oils and fats

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