
The big picture: the world is getting wider

By : IreneTreesa | 0 Comments | On : September 7, 2013 | Category : Diet And Disease, Unhealthy Eating, Unhealthy Food

IT IS LUNCHTIME at Eastside Elementary School in Clinton, Mississippi, the fattest state in the fattest country in the Western world. Uniformed lunch ladies stand at the ready. Nine-year-olds line up dutifully, trays in hand. Yes to chocolate casino spiele milk, yes to breaded chicken sandwiches, yes to baked beans, yes to orange jelly, no to salad. Bowls of iceberg lettuce and tomatoes sit rim to rim, rejected. Regina Ducksworth, in charge of Clinton’s lunch menu, sighs. “Broccoli is very popular,” she says, reassuringly.

Read more: foodhealthnews.com – The big picture: the world is getting wider

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