
Easy tips in kitchen | Easy methods to handle Kitchen

By : Najma Majeed | 0 Comments | On : January 28, 2015 | Category : Tips in kitchen

Easy tips in kitchen | Easy methods to handle Kitchen

Easy tips in kitchen | Easy methods to handle Kitchen

Kitchen is a place used for preparing foods. Its little difficulty to manage the kitchen properly. Here are some tips that helps you to make cooking easy and comfortable.

Easy tips in kitchen | Easy methods to handle Kitchen

Easy tips in kitchen | Easy methods to handle Kitchen

Easy tips:

  • To remove the hust in coconut, keep the coconut in water for half an hour.
  • To chop the dry fruits, keep the fruits in refrigerator for half an hour. Then dip the knife in hot water and cut it.
  • If the dough sticks to the rolling pin, keep the rolling pin in freezer for few minutes.
  • To get ripen fruits, wrap the fruits in a newspaper and keep it for 2 or 3 days.
  • To keep the celery fresh, wrap it by using aluminium foil and place in refrigerator.
  • Warm dry spices like cardamom, cloves, cumin seeds etc before powdering to get a finer powder.
  • To make the banana chips crispy, add few drops of salt water while frying.
  • To make the laddoos fresh, heat by using microwave for 30 seconds.
  • Keep 5 gm of dry powdered mint leaves to 1 kg of rice. This will keep away the insects.
  • Cut the onions into two parts and dip it in water for 15 minutes to avoid the tears from eyes while chopping the onions.
  • Remove the stems of chillies and keep it for more days as fresh.
  • Putting 3 or 4 cloves in sugar bottle will avoid ants.
  • Use a long spatula to avoid burning.
  • Avoid storing potatoes and onion together because potatoes will rot fast.
  • To make the lemon soft, keep lemon in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes.
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