
Health Benefits Of Onions

By : Roshan T.H | 0 Comments | On : May 20, 2014 | Category : Health & Fitness, Health Benefits, Health Benefits of Vegetables, India, Vegetable News

Health Benefits Of Onions, Health Benefits of Vegetables, Health News

Health Benefits Of Onions

Onions have been recognized through centuries for their culinary versatility, as well as their medicinal properties. Onions have been cultivated for thousands of years. Onions have also been recognized for their positive effects on diabetes, cardiovascular health and anti-bacterial properties.

Onions are rich in sulfur-containing compounds, which give them their unique aroma and health promoting benefits. Onions are a source of vitamin C, the mineral chromium, and the antioxidant quercitin. There are many health benefits of onions!

Health Benefits Of Onions, Health Benefits of Vegetables, Health News

Health Benefits Of Onions, Health Benefits of Vegetables, Health News


The consumption of onions with meals may help regulate blood glucose levels after a meal. This may be due to the presence of allyl propyl disulfide (which improves the availability of insulin) as well as chromium, the mineral that helps in insulin response. Onions may be a beneficial factor in diabetes management.


Onions may help promote cardiovascular health. The sulfur content, along with the presence of vitamin B6 and other vitamins and minerals of onions have been shown to lower high cholesterol levels, as well as high blood pressure. Therefore, regular consumption may help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke.


Onions have many cancer-fighting compounds. Onions may help protect the colon against toxic chemicals and may help stop the growth of cancer cells. New research suggests that onions have many compounds that help slow tumour growth and reduce their size. Onions may reduce the risk of oral cancer, esophageal cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer.


Traditionally, onions have been used to reduce inflammation. Fresh onions contain many anti-inflammatory compounds, anti-oxidants and phytochemicals. Therefore, onions may help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with many chronic conditions, including asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Certain flavonoids including quercitin, in onions also give it potent anti-bacterial properties.


Onions have been used to cleanse the system by increasing urination. Onions have also been prescribed to improve the appearance of hair, finger and nails. Onions have also been used to treat sinus inflammation.


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