
Many ‘healthy snacks’ are high in calories

By : Christina Thomas | 0 Comments | On : May 25, 2013 | Category : Food news, Health News

It is the time of year when research about diet and exercise makes a big splash in the headlines, but today the Daily Mail warned that dieters should steer clear of seemingly healthy dips and spreads that are actually high in calories.

The newspaper highlighted warnings that hummus, which is widely thought to be healthy, has a surprisingly high calorie content. Despite its high fat and energy content, a recent survey of Britons showed that two-thirds of people underestimate the number of calories in the chickpea dip. The survey was commissioned by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), which says that people can still be confused about the calorie content of everyday foods, which can affect weight and therefore cancer risk.

Read more: nhs.uk – Many ‘healthy snacks’ are high in calories

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