
Morning Coffee eases Pains

By : IreneTreesa | 0 Comments | On : September 28, 2012 | Category : Beverage Benefits, Health News

Do twinges and aches trouble you while you’re engrossed in your work at office? Drink a cup of coffee with breakfast to relieve these discomforts, suggests a study conducted by the researchers of the University of Oslo.
In the research, it was found that the amount of caffeine present in the coffee stimulates the receptors that are responsible for blocking pain.  48 volunteers, who were full-time office workers, were asked to undertake one and a half hour of screen-based intensive task without a break after a cup of coffee in the breakfast. The volunteers reported fewer bouts of pains in neck, shoulders and hands. The continuous task involved correction of typographical errors in a document on computer.

Read more: onlymyhealth.com – Morning Coffee eases Pains

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