
Nine Top Sources of Iron

By : Telja Joy | 0 Comments | On : April 9, 2014 | Category : Food Myths And Facts, Food news, Health Benefits, Health News, Healthy Eating, Healthy Food

Nine top sources of iron

Iron is a very important mineral, and can be found in many foods that you might not expect.

It is estimated that in Australia, up to five per cent of the population has iron deficiency or anaemia. Iron is a mineral required to transport oxygen through the blood and is essential for providing energy for daily life. The best source of iron is found in animal foods, as not only do they usually contain more iron, but our bodies can absorb it better than the iron from plant foods. The recommended daily intake of iron for women between the ages of 19 to 50 is 18 milligrams a day.

Nine Top Sources of Iron

12 oysters, 7mg iron

Oysters - Top Sources of Iron

Oysters – Top Sources of Iron

Great news for people who enjoy seafood and don’t like red meat – oysters are full of iron and zinc and they’re low in kilojoules too.

1 cup cooked silverbeet, 2.53mg iron

Silverbeet - Top Sources of Iron

Silverbeet – Top Sources of Iron

Cooking increases the amount of iron available in dark green vegetables and so does the presence of vitamin C, so add lemon juice to maximise the iron absorption.

150g steak, 5.55mg iron

Beef steak - Top Sources of Iron

Beef steak – Top Sources of Iron

Beef steak is a good source of absorbable iron, but you should stick to a portion of 150g or a piece about the size of the palm of your hand.

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