
Stop using Splenda

By : IreneTreesa | 0 Comments | On : October 9, 2012 | Category : Food news, Health News

(NaturalNews) Do you put Splenda in your coffee? Or use it in your baked goods, instead of regular sugar or other natural alternatives? You may think you are making a better choice, but in fact, you are doing more harm than good. Many foods labeled as “healthier for you,” low calories, no/low fat, are typically worse for you than the real thing. Ingredients that are chemically altered and processed are not better for you. Although long-term studies performed on Splenda and their effects on humans have not been performed, willingly ingesting possibly carcinogenic materials is unsafe.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037475_splenda_sucralose_chlorine.html#ixzz28pVb05IF

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