
Why skipping breakfast will make you fatter and less healthy

By : IreneTreesa | 0 Comments | On : December 15, 2012 | Category : Food news, Health News

Remembering to eat a hearty, healthy breakfast every morning before starting your day just might make all the difference in determining your likelihood of becoming overweight, ill, or both. A recent study out of Imperial College London (ICL) found that breakfast really does seem to be the most important meal of the day, as it not only trains the senses to desire healthier foods, but also deters cravings to binge out on unhealthy junk foods throughout the day.

Tony Goldstone and his colleagues at IRC’s MRC Clinical Science Centre made inroads into better understanding this phenomenon by conducting brain scans on a group of people who were deprived of breakfast on some days, and given a full breakfast on other days. 21 men and women, all of whom were roughly 25 years of age, were shown pictures of various foods each day and asked to rate their desirability after having either eaten breakfast or not eaten breakfast.

Read more: naturalnews.com – Why skipping breakfast will make you fatter and less healthy

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