
Did you know that ‘natural foods’ can still contain GMOs? The main difference between ‘organic’ and ‘natural’

By : IreneTreesa | 0 Comments | On : August 7, 2012 | Category : Food news

(NaturalNews) Have you ever wondered what “natural” and “organic” mean on labels? If so, you’re not alone. Food labels today are filled with a number of ingredients that are barely pronounceable, let alone common enough to know what they actually are. The good news is that with more and more people looking for healthier options to choose from at supermarkets, there are a lot more options today than there were. However, with the variety of products on shelves, it makes it difficult to know what the best choices truly are.

Read more: naturalnews.com – Did you know that ‘natural foods’ can still contain GMOs? The main difference between ‘organic’ and ‘natural’

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