
What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

By : Jasmeen Simi | 0 Comments | On : March 7, 2015 | Category : Diet And Disease, Diet News, Food and Nutrition News, Health News, Healthy Eating, Nutrtional News, Weight Loss

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

ย What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi?

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

Importance of Ragi forย Diet

Ragi also known as finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) is one of the important cereals which occupies the highest area under cultivation among the small millets. The state of Karnataka is the largest producer of ragi in India. Ragi is a crop which can withstand severe drought conditions and can be easily grown throughout the year. Nutritionally, when ragi is used as a whole grain, it is higher in protein and minerals in comparison to all other cereals and millets. It is a remarkable source of protein, making it perfect for vegetarian diets. This feature includes what are the ย health benefits of ragi?

Ragi for weight loss:ย 

Ragi contains an amino acid, Tryptophan which reduces appetite.The bulkiness of the fibers and the slower digestion rate makes one feel fuller on fewer calories and therefore helps prevent excess caloric consumption.

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

Ragi for bones:

Ragi is the richest source of calcium among plant foods. Calcium along with vitamin D helps to strengthen bones.

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi
What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

Ragi for diabetics:

Regular consumption of finger millet is known to reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus and gastrointestinal tract disorders and these properties are attributed to its high polyphenol and dietary fiber content.

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

Ragi for lowering high cholesterol levels:

Ragi contains amino acids Lecithin and Methionine which help in bringing down cholesterol levels by eliminating excess fat from Liver.

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

Ragi in anemia:

Ragi is an excellent plant source of natural Iron. Its consumption helps in Anemia.

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

Ragi for relaxation:

One amazing benefit of Ragi is that it helps in relaxing the body naturally. It is found to be beneficial in conditions of anxiety, depression, migraine and insomnia.

Ragi Food Preparations

Finger millet is normally consumed in the form of flour-based foods such as roti (unleavened pancake), mudde(stiff porridge/dumpling) and ambli (thin porridge). Ragi can be used to make porridge, upma, Puttu, cakes, biscuits and variety of healthy dishes.

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi

What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi


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