
How to prevent gallstones with everyday foods

By : Christina Thomas | 0 Comments | On : January 18, 2013 | Category : Food news, Health Benefits, Health News

Hoping to avoid gallstones while doing nothing to actually prevent them from forming is like hoping your car will not run out of fuel while never visiting a gas station. If you are serious about preventing gallstones, in other words, it is important to regularly feed your body the nutrients it needs to maintain a clean, well-functioning gallbladder. Here are some useful tips for preventing gallstones with everyday foods:

1) Juice fresh fruits and vegetables daily. The gallbladder is designed to work in conjunction with the liver to digest food and eliminate toxins. But when one or both of these vital organs gets clogged up due to poor nutrition or toxic buildup, cholesterol can crystallize with calcium to form gallstones. At this point, it becomes much more difficult to break these stones down and prevent them from further complicating your health.

Juicing fresh, alkalizing fruits and vegetables, however, can help quell inflammation and enzymatically detoxify both your liver and gallbladder on a regular basis. Raw, unfiltered apple juice, which is rich in pectin, will help soften and disintegrate any existing gallstones, as well as prevent new ones from forming. Lemons, celery, tomatoes, and beets are also excellent additions to any daily juicing regimen.

f you suffer from existing gallbladder pain, the following juicing recipe may be helpful in eliminating that pain, and any gallstones you might already have:

Read more: naturalnews.com – How to prevent gallstones with everyday foods

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