
Improve your Memory with Super Foods

By : Telja Joy | 0 Comments | On : April 3, 2014 | Category : Food news, Health News, Healthy Eating, Healthy Food

Improve your memory with super foods

Lifestyle changes for better health include exercise and a balanced diet. Consider this thought: We exercise our bodies in gymnasiums, or at home to help us stay sharp, however, we don’t always consider that our brain cells diminish over time.

Brain cells naturally degenerate as we age, yet we generally don’t give our brain the attention and workout it needs until a medical diagnosis or noticeable forgetfulness occurs.

We can help our brains through diet as well as exercise.

Just as nutrients are necessary to keep our bodies tuned up, the same is true for our brain. After all, the body and mind is a whole unit. Brain cells need to be stimulated to become and remain sharp through the life span.

Nutrients are necessary to prevent cell damage to the brain and can help improve memory, in addition to exercising and implementing a variety of brain games.

Michigan State University Extension recommends including these nutrients in your diet daily to boost your memory:

Improve your memory with super foods

Improve your memory with super foods

• Egg yolks — The yolk of an egg contains chlorine and rich in vitamin B (in order to keep cholesterol levels down, eat egg yolks in moderation).

• Glucose – Fiber helps glucose absorb into the body. You need glucose to supply your body (and brain) with energy.

• Folic acid – Contained in kale, greens, spinach and arugula.

• Whole grains – Bran, quinoa, oatmeal and brown rice.

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