
Six amazing foods for cleansing your colon naturally

By : Christina Thomas | 0 Comments | On : November 13, 2013 | Category : Food news, Health News, Healthy Eating, Healthy Food

Gastrointestinal problems are prolific in today’s society, and this is largely due to the fact that the modern food supply is greatly lacking in the nutrients required for healthy digestion (not to mention a widespread overload of toxins from vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides). But the good news is that a life of chronic digestive upset does not have to rule the day, as simple dietary changes can help significantly improve and even cure many colonic problems. Here are six top foods to help you maintain a healthy gut:

1) Apples, apple cider vinegar. Many advanced colon-cleansing protocols include either whole apples, apple sauce, apple juice, or apple cider vinegar (ACV) because this simple fruit is a powerful cleansing food. High in fiber, a nutrient that is already widely known to promote healthy digestion, apples are also rich in pectin, a carbohydrate compound that acts as a thickening agent inside the gut. When taken in therapeutic doses, pectin can help root out built-up toxins in the colon and strengthen the intestinal lining.

Read more: naturalnews.com – Six amazing foods for cleansing your colon naturally

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