
Soft Drink Raises Man’s Risk of Prostate Cancer

By : IreneTreesa | 0 Comments | On : October 10, 2015 | Category : Food news, Health News

A recent study by Swedish professors suggests that just one soft drink a day may increase the risk of developing more serious forms of the cancer such as prostate cancer by 40 per cent.

[Read: Prostate Cancer Treatment Options]

The researchers at the Lund Universityassessed health of more than 8,000 men aged 45 to 73 for 15 years. It was found that those who drank one 330 ml a day were highly likely to require treatment for a serious form of cancer. Moreover, researchers found that men who ate a diet of rice, pasta and sugary cereal were at increased risk of milder form of cancer.

Read more: onlymyhealth.com – Soft Drink Raises Man’s Risk of Prostate Cancer

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