
World Health Day: 6 Healthy Foods you’re Probably Neglecting

By : Telja Joy | 0 Comments | On : April 7, 2014 | Category : Food and Nutrition News, Food news, Health Benefits, Health Benefits Of Fruits, Health Benefits of Vegetables, Health News, Healthy Eating, Healthy Food

World Health Day: 6 healthy foods you're probably neglecting

World Health Day is celebrated annually on 7th April to mark the founding of the World Health Organization or WHO. It is surprising to know that more than half of the world’s population faces the danger of diseases such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya etc transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, ticks and other vectors. Hence this year, WHO is highlighting the swelling threat of vector-borne diseases, with the slogan ‘Small bite, big threat’.

World Health Day: 6 healthy foods you're probably neglecting

World Health Day: 6 healthy foods you’re probably neglecting

What goes inside you is what shows on the outside. To eat is not just to please your taste buds but also to replenish, repair and rejuvenate. Since historic times food has been famed as the best medicine and with research giving it a sound scientific footing you can be rest assured.

The most common foods that one might find in the kitchen pantry are actually the healthiest and often neglected too. We’ve plucked up six foods that make you feel fantastic from within and should top your grocery list.




These fabled fruit packs more benefits that what you’d imagine. The power of pomegranates lies in its anti-oxidant activity. Anti-oxidants prevent ageing and inflammation of cells. It is a good source of Vitamin E & C and improves blood circulation, which gives a glowing skin (a reason why most beauticians would suggest drinking pomegranate juice). Due to its iron content it acts as a remedy for anemia.

Key ingredients: It contains polyphenols which help the body get rid of cancer causing agents (breast and prostate cancer), lower blood pressure, and combat heart ailments.




Here’s a surprising super food, a fruit that is rarely praised for its qualities. First things first – it’s a myth that bananas are fattening. Nature’s very own energy bar, it fuels your need for dietary fiber and charges you up. I’d like to call them the ‘smart carbs’. In fact with all the fiber that bananas contain, they help you feel full for a longer time thus soothing away the untimely hunger pangs and aiding in weight loss.

Key ingredients: Fiber and potassium. It is one of the best recognized sources of potassium which helps in lowering the blood pressure, prevents strokes and promotes overall heart health. They also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that acts as a mood enhancer and has a calming effect on the brain. Eating a banana at bedtime is known to trigger a sound sleep.

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