Health Benefits of an Apple – Eat an Apple a day keeps the doctor away

Health Benefits of an Apple – Eat an Apple a day keeps the doctor away
Health Benefits of an Apple:
Apple (Malus domestica) is one of the most popular fruit around the world. It is cultivated world wide as a fruit tree belonging to the rose family. This fleshy and sweet fruit is the favorite of most of the people. Apple is considered truly a gift of nature due to its impressive list of health and nutritional benefits.
Eat an Apple a day keeps the doctor away
Nature’s toothbrush
An apple is known as the nature’s tooth brush. Don’t mistake an apple for a tooth brush, but biting and chewing an apple stimulates the gum and enhance the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing the formation of cavity.
Lower the risk of diabetes
Most of the diabetes patients doubt about the consumption of fruits. It is a great relief for diabetes patient, especially diabetes Type 2 patients can eat apples without any discomfort. This is possible due to the presence of soluble fibre, pectin that controls the blood sugar level by relasing a little more slowly to the blood stream.
Raises good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol
It is recommended that eating 2 apples per day has shown reducing bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol. Studies found that pectin in apple can reduce cholesterol level. No wonder, why apple is called as Miracle Fruit.
Reduces the risk of all sorts of cancer
Studies shown that consumption of apple not only prevent cancer but also prevent cancer cell growth. Increased consumption of quercetin, present in apple will reduce the risk of lung cancer. A chemical in apple prevents colon cancer and also reduce the risks of beast cancer, liver cancer etc.
Healthy immune system
Quercetin is an antioxidant present in apples which boosts the immune system.
Weight control
Apples are low in calories and fat, sodium. Apples also contain vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. These will aid you to lose weight without much suffering.
Then it is worthwhile to advice that “for staying healthy eat at least 2 apples a day.”