
Health Benefits of Red Cabbage

By : Najma Majeed | 0 Comments | On : October 12, 2014 | Category : Cancer Treatment, Diabetes News, Diet Control Tips, Food and Nutrition News, Food news, Health Benefits, Health Benefits of Vegetables, Health News, Heart Related News, Nutrtional News, Skin News, Vegetable News, Weight Loss

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage

Red Cabbage is also known as purple cabbage. There are varieties in Cabbage as Red Cabbage and Green Cabbage. The colour of the cabbage depends upon the pH level of the soil. Health benefits of Red Cabbage are numerous.It is a vegetable that is high in nutritional value. It is bounded with vitamins, iron, calcium, dietary fibers, etc. Consuming Cabbage is extremely valuable for human health.

It is an excellent source to prevent premature aging, boosts the health of hair and eyes, strengthen human bones, reduces the chances for cancer, etc.
Cabbage is used as a side dish for meals, pickle, or even making salads throughout the world. It is a tasty vegetable to have with meals.

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