Tag: bad cholesterol
Lean Meat May Help Reduce Cholesterol Levels
Lean Meat May Help Reduce Cholesterol Levels The Indian Express reported that lean red meat might not be as unhealthy as thought of. Despite the fact that meat offers several nutritional benefits, it has long been associated with chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. But now there is substantial evidence ... more
Read moreEating beans and pulses daily can reduce bad cholesterol by 5 percent
Eating beans and pulses daily can reduce bad cholesterol According to a new study, eating one serving a day of beans, peas or lentils can significantly reduce “bad cholesterol” and therefore the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sievenpiper of St Michael’s Hospital here said that by eating one serving a day ... more
Read moreGood vs. bad carbohydrates: Why are some carbohydrates good and others bad?
“It’s the biggest lack-of-consensus issue in the U.S. diet today,” said Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health. “We don’t have a standard method for assessing their quality.” Carbohydrates, the most common of the three energy sources we get from food (the others are ... more
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