
An Apple A Day

By : Christina Thomas | 0 Comments | On : October 22, 2014 | Category : Food news, Health Benefits, Health Benefits Of Fruits, Health News, Healthy Eating, Healthy Food

Before getting into the crux of this article, what you are now about to read is probably the most essential and important piece of information concerning apples.

If organically grown, all the vital health benefits are located right under the skin of the apple. If conventionally grown all the detrimental pesticides, herbicides and cancer causing sulfites are located right under the skin of the apple.

So, should you choose to eat a conventionally grown apple, you must peel the skin off the apple first and just eat the flesh of the apple, which contains very little nutritional value. Personally, I would rather not choose to eat a conventionally grown apple.

That being said, whatever color of apple you choose, as long as it was organically grown, is extremely beneficial health wise.

Read more: naturalnews.com – An Apple A Day

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