Category: Diet And Disease
Make And Freeze Iftar Recipes – Make And Store Snacks Recipes
Make And Freeze Iftar Recipes – Make And Freeze Snacks Recipes – It is almost the same in all kitchens around the world that were busy during Ranamdan making iftar snacks for their family. But it is not quite easy for moms who have many roles to play. She is a ... more
Read moreWhat Are The Health Benefits of Ragi
What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi? Importance of Ragi for Diet Ragi also known as finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) is one of the important cereals which occupies the highest area under cultivation among the small millets. The state of Karnataka is the largest producer of ragi in India. Ragi ... more
Read moreBitter Melon ( പാവയ്ക്ക )a healthy vegetable
Bitter Melon ( പാവയ്ക്ക ) a healthy vegetable Bitter Melon A.K.A Bitter Gourd is a healthy vegetable. Bitter Gourd grown in hot and humid climate. It is mainly cultivated in Asian countries and South America. This vegetable have low in calories but it contains high in vitamins, magnesium, iron, zinc, dietary fiber, ... more
Read moreThe big picture: the world is getting wider
IT IS LUNCHTIME at Eastside Elementary School in Clinton, Mississippi, the fattest state in the fattest country in the Western world. Uniformed lunch ladies stand at the ready. Nine-year-olds line up dutifully, trays in hand. Yes to chocolate casino spiele milk, yes to breaded chicken sandwiches, yes to baked beans, ... more
Read moreThe Eight Most Popular Diets – Diet News
The word diet comes from Old French dieteand Medieval Latin dieta meaning “a daily food allowance”. The Latin word diaeta and Greek word diaita mean “a way of life, a regimen”. According to Medilexicon`s medical dictionary, a diet means “1. Food and drink in general. 2. A prescribed course of eating and drinking in which the amount and kind of food, ... more
Read moreA recipe to tackle malnutrition among the elderly
The NHS has been addressing the growing problem of older people becoming malnourished while in hospital, either because they don’t get food they can eat or the help they need to eat it. However, malnutrition among older people in care has proved to be a more difficult problem to tackle ... more
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