Category: Vegetable News
Ivy Gourd – A Miraculous Vegetable
Ivy Gourd – A Miraculous Vegetable Ivy Gourd or Coccinia Grand is actually an exotic plant within the pumpkin family and is also a hostile climbing vine that may distributed rapidly over trees, shrubs, fences along with other supports. The clear white flesh of the fruit looks like the appearance as well ... more
Read moreHealth Benefits of Tomato
Health Benefits of Tomato Tomato is an edible, red berry type fruit of the Nightshade botanical family. Tomatoes are in fact a fruit, but their affinity for other savoury ingredients means that they are usually classed as a vegetable. Tomato is consumed in diverse ways including raw, as an ingredient in many ... more
Read moreBeetroot is a Superfood with Amazing Health Benefits
Beetroot is a Superfood with Amazing Health Benefits Beetroot is a dark red vegetable which is the taproot portion of the beet plant, usually known in North America as the beet, table beet, garden beet, red or golden beet etc. Betacyanin is the compound that gives beetroot its purplish-red colour ... more
Read moreHealth Benefits of Ginger – ഇഞ്ചി | A Wonderful Herbal Remedy
Ginger - A Wonderful Herbal Remedy Ginger ഇഞ്ചി (scientific name: Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose root is used as the spice. Ginger is widely used in Asian and Indian cuisine as an aromatic and flavor ingredient. Besides all its culinary purpose, ginger is well known for its medicinal properties. Health ... more
Read moreHomemade Face Packs for Glowing Skin
Homemade Face Packs for Glowing Skin Homemade Face Packs for Glowing Skin Every woman desires to have glowing skin to make a good first impression and feel confident about herself. There are a number of home remedies for glowing skin, which are easy to make at home using natural ingredients. ... more
Read moreHow To Lose Weight With White Pumpkin Juice?
Lose Weight With White Pumpkin Juice If you have been searching for that one ingredient which can give you an amazing boost of health and vitality, then your search ends here! Because this post has white pumpkin recipes. White pumpkin juice is a fresh beverage for weight management. It ... more
Read moreSpinach and health benefits
Spinach and health benefits Spinach is an edible vegetable leaves. It is high in nutritional value. Consuming spinach helps to maintain a healthy body. It contains lots of vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron, proteins, fiber and all kinds of other healthy contents. It is good for our eyes, skin, bones, strengthen ... more
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