Category: Beverage News
Make And Freeze Iftar Recipes – Make And Store Snacks Recipes
Make And Freeze Iftar Recipes – Make And Freeze Snacks Recipes – It is almost the same in all kitchens around the world that were busy during Ranamdan making iftar snacks for their family. But it is not quite easy for moms who have many roles to play. She is a ... more
Read moreHow To Lose Weight With White Pumpkin Juice?
Lose Weight With White Pumpkin Juice If you have been searching for that one ingredient which can give you an amazing boost of health and vitality, then your search ends here! Because this post has white pumpkin recipes. White pumpkin juice is a fresh beverage for weight management. It ... more
Read moreHerbal tea key to relieving depression and stress
(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. However, taking better control of your depression and significantly reducing related stress may be a cup of tea away. Herbalist Shoshanna (Pearl) Easling, owner of the Bulk Herb Store, is an avid believer in ... more
Read more5 Cups of Coffee a Day can be Lethal
A new study has found that drinking 5 cups of coffee a day even if decaffeinated can cause obesity and chronic disease. The study revealed that higher doses of coffee double the fat around organs in the abdomen, a type of fat that causes deadly conditions. Chlorogenic Acid (CGA), a ... more
Read moreKick-start your day with lemon and water
Packed with antioxidants and other health benefits, a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon revitalises the body and mind. Here are 10 reasons to drink it first thing: 1 Supports the immune system: The juice of half a lemon in a glass of water is rich ... more
Read moreConsuming Less Sugar-Sweetened Beverages May Reduce Kidney Stone Risk
Twenty percent of American males and 10 percent of American females will experience a kidney stone at some point in their lifetime. Often, these patients will be advised to drink more fluids as a way to prevent future stone formation. Now, new research from Brigham and Women”s Hospital finds that ... more
Read moreGreen Tea has Small Effect on Cholesterol
Green tea, taken in capsule or drunk as beverage can lower the ‘bad’ cholesterol level, according to a US study. Study was published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association wherein, the past twenty clinical trials were analysed. The trials included in this review included a total of 1,415 ... more
Read moreStudy Finds That Drinking Water Has Little Or No Effect On Resting Energy Expenditure
A study presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Liverpool has found that drinking distilled water has virtually no effect on resting energy expenditure, while mineral water has only a very small effect. The research is by Nathalie Charrière and Professor Abdul Dulloo at the University of Fribourg, ... more
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