Make And Freeze Iftar Recipes – Make And Freeze Snacks Recipes – It is almost the same in all kitchens around the world that were busy during Ranamdan making iftar snacks for their family. But it is not quite easy for moms who have many roles to play. She is a ... more
Most parents when it comes to giving milk to their children tend to think, the more, the merrier. In contradiction to popular belief scientists now say that two cups of cow’s milk a day is the proper amount needed to maintain adequate vitamin D and iron levels. [Read: Surprising Health Benefits ... more
What Are The Health Benefits of Ragi? Importance of Ragi for Diet Ragi also known as finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) is one of the important cereals which occupies the highest area under cultivation among the small millets. The state of Karnataka is the largest producer of ragi in India. Ragi ... more
Health Benefits of Red Cabbage Red Cabbage is also known as purple cabbage. There are varieties in Cabbage as Red Cabbage and Green Cabbage. The colour of the cabbage depends upon the pH level of the soil. Health benefits of Red Cabbage are numerous.It is a vegetable that is high in ... more
Health Benefits of Beetroot Beetroot are dark red colour vegetable grown in the ground and related to turnips, swedes and sugar beet. It is used as curry, fry, pickle in India especially Kerala. Its leaves is also good for salads and soups. It is an excellent source online casino of ... more
Health Benefits of Dates Dates are very delicious fruit grown on date palm and it is one of the popular fruits in Arabian Peninsula. Dates are now widely grown almost all continents under warmer climate. There are numerous health benefits for dates. Dates contains various minerals, vitamins, calcium, iron and ... more
Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin,a group of fat-soluble prohormones, which encourages the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous.People who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight do not need vitamin D supplements because sunlight promotes sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Five forms of vitamin D have ... more
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PAPAYA Papaya has been recognized for centuries as the ultimate cure-all fruit. The papaya fruit is an excellent source of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Papaya is so revered for its nutritional qualities in many cultures around the world that it is often revered. Papayas have ... more